
SBA loans

An SBA loan generally offers preferred terms and rates to borrowers, and reduced risk for lenders through a government guarantee.

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Just starting your business?

Just starting your business?

Loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) include 7(a), 504, microloan, emergency disaster, and more. These loans often have more favorable terms and rates for borrowers and less risk for lenders. 

SBA loans allow small businesses to borrow affordable capital up to $5M and use those funds with flexibility. They cover the spectrum of your business needs, from working capital and equipment purchase to real estate acquisition and expansion products.

Why choose an SBA loan?

Lower Down Payment

SBA loans typically offer lower down payment requirements compared to conventional loans. 

Favorable Terms and Interest Rates

SBA loans generally offer longer repayment periods and competitive interest rates.

Flexible Use of Funds

SBA loans can be used for various purposes, including working capital, equipment purchase, real estate acquisition, and debt refinancing.  

Qualification Criteria

A government guarantee mitigates the risk of the lender to finance small business borrowers who don't qualify for conventional loans.

Specialized Loan Programs

The SBA offers loan programs based on different financial needs, including Microloans, 7(a) and 504 Loan Programs.


Women, minority, and U.S. veteran business owners may receive more favorable terms, contracts or grants, and additional resources. 

Disaster Relief

Disaster loans help small businesses recover from disasters, natural catastrophes like hurricanes and tornadoes.  

Community Development

The 504 Loan Program promotes economic development and job creation by financing the purchase of major fixed assets.

Need help with your
SBA loan?

Before choosing an SBA loan, business owners should assess their financial needs and eligibility.

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